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Play-by-post adjustments
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:14 pm
by The sweeping monk
As per the books, a lot of mechanics are left to how the GM feels they should apply depending on the context of the scene. For a play-by-post however, with a far greater ratio between numbers of players and numbers of GMs, this can quickly become unmanageable.
This thread thus lists a few extra consigns to automate the application of some features instead of having to ask the GM each time.
Re: Play-by-post adjustments
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:19 pm
by The sweeping monk
The mechanical effects of opportunities will be heavily restricted during non-Conflict Events, only leaving a few options instead of the gigantic tables of pages 328-329.
Re: Play-by-post adjustments
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:20 pm
by The sweeping monk
Strife, Fatigue, Void points
Will not be managed outside of events. Just ignore these three values when you roll for fluff.
Recovery will similarly be handwaved. All characters are assumed to rest their body and their mind enough between events, behind the scene or in RP threads, to be fresh by the time the next event drop.
Re: Play-by-post adjustments
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:24 pm
by The sweeping monk
Attendants can provide Assistance [Core, page 26] to their attendee
once per day, for a check of their choice.
Whether the Assistance is skilled or unskilled depends on the template chosen for them as character creation [Core, pages 64 & 311]:
- If the attendant is an Artist, Assistance is skilled for Artisan skills and unskilled otherwise.
- For an Investigator, it is skilled only on Skulduggery/Government/Theology/Commerce (list based on Core, page 170).
- Scholar skills for a Sage or a Spiritualist.
- Social skills for a Socialite or a Trickster.
- Martial skills for a Warrior.
Re: Play-by-post adjustments
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 8:51 am
by The sweeping monk
The Proper Offerings, Importune, Channeling, Prepared Invocations, options cannot be used during non-Conflict scenes.
Should a character trigger Spiritual Backlash outside of a Conflict scene, they take the 3 fatigue as the only mechanical effect and treat the rest of the backslash as fluff on their own.
[Core, page 189-190]
Iuchi Meishōdō Master [Core, page 83] characters start the game with meishōdō talismans up to their school rank, to be tracked in their players' private forum. At the end of each day, they may attempt to create a new one by making a Design check as per the book, ignoring both opportunity and strife symbols for that roll.
Kitsu Medium characters [Core, page 72] may ignore the limitation on importuning during non-Conflict scenes for the purpose of their school ability once par session.
Yogo Wardmaster characters [Core, page 81] ignore in part the restriction on Prepared Invocations, starting the game with a number of wards equal to their school rank, to be rolled at character creation and tracked in their players' private forum. When asked to make an invocation for which they own a ward, they may either roll as normal or "discharge" the existing ward, using its recorded result (successes, opportunities, strife), instead of rolling. At the end of each day, they may roll to create a new ward with Composition as per the book [Core, page 190]. They can never keep a number of wards greater than their school rank.
Re: Play-by-post adjustments
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 11:26 am
by The sweeping monk
Generic abilities and techniques
The following abilities and techniques can be used in any event at any point their conditions are met (by-the-book limitations and costs, as always, apply):
Warrior's Resolve
Courtier's Resolve
Way of the Phoenix (Shiba Guardian School Ability)
School of Waves (Worldly Rōnin School Ability)
Just as Predicted (Seppun Astrologer School Ability)
One with the Elements (Isawa Elementalist School Ability)
Elemental Transmutation (Agasha Mystic School Ability)
The Way of Names (Iuchi Meishōdō Master School Ability)
Embrace the Void (Shinseist Monk Order School Ability)
Glory increase from Resplendent items
Boons from Omamori
Re: Play-by-post adjustments
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 12:59 pm
by The sweeping monk
Making the news
Each character may keep a Have you heard? thread in their private forum, with, for each in-game day, a list of posts that they think would make good starting points for rumors on the next day.
The GM team (of one) will not necessarily use them all, but it'll help greatly with me not missing all the creativity and smooching that should make noise but a human GM with limited time would have missed on their own.
In addition, once per day, a character might roll TN3 Courtesy (Air) to force in a rumor of their own, which might be completely baseless.
For simplicity's sake, ignore strife and opportunity symbols for this roll. Likewise, Whispers of Court and Rustling of Leaves reduce the TN by 1 each instead of their normal effects.
If you succeed, drop a link to the roll and the content of the rumor in your Have you heard? thread.
PMs will be sent to players whose characters might make the news to get their approval beforehand in all cases.
Re: Play-by-post adjustments
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:04 am
by The sweeping monk
Scenes, sessions
Each event will usually count as a single scene, but it will specify again each time in case there are shenanigans.
A session will be made of three IC days.
Re: Play-by-post adjustments
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:32 am
by The sweeping monk
Interactions between PCs' advantages and disadvantages
Please explicitly list in your signature any of your character's advantages or disadvantages that other characters should be effortlessly aware of, such as any Fame or Infamy, or obvious physical characteristics like Large Stature, Maimed Visage, and likewise.
If you have an advantage that should help detecting strange things (Sixth Sense, Subtle Observer, Spiritual Protector, Keen Smell, etc.), also list it here.
If you have a not immediately obvious advantage or disadvantage, like a Fortune's blessing or curse for example, it is your choice to list it, indirectly allude to it, or not list it all. Also, if you are in a thread with a character that has a "detection" advantage listed in their signature, it is also your choice if that character's detects, partially or totally, your own character's oddity. That, more or less precise, information can be shared in thread directly or through private messages.
In case of doubt, PM the other player to discuss it. Remember that some secrets just work better when your fellow player is aware of it even if their character is blind to it.
Re: Play-by-post adjustments
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 8:49 am
by The sweeping monk
Advantages and disadvantages
Event rolls will list what advantages and disadvantages apply to them.
The element of a roll doesn't need to match the element of an advantage or disadvantage for it to apply.
If you feel a logical advantage or disadvantage is missing from a check, you may report it through the proper channels, as discussed in the last section
Re: Play-by-post adjustments
Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 4:55 am
by The sweeping monk
Mechanical rolls outside events
Rolls "at the end of the day" (rumors, some school abilities like Iuchi Meishōdō Master) can benefit from any Void point left at the end of the day's event.