Impression and Information
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 8:30 pm
There are two main values that will be tracked through the whole game: Impression (how Sensei's Wu appreciates you) and Information (what you learned about the monastery, its inhabitants, the region around it, etc.).
Impression is a pretty straightforward score that starts at zero and will increase through the D2 to D4 event.
Information is a bit more complex. It takes the form of Information Tidbits, small piece of data about a specific NPC or the general situation of the monastery. They can be acquired either through specific actions during events, or by tallying enough Information points during events (mostly by spending opportunities). Each event will have its own rules about that, though they will often be similar.
There are 20 distinct Tidbits, and the game is very much not designed for a single character to get them all on their own, even with perfect luck. On the contrary, Information Tidbits are supposed to be shared, both IC and OOC, for players and characters alike to get the full picture of what's happening.
This is a low stake game though, so expect more dirty socks than skeletons in these closets.
At the end of Day 4:
The three characters with the highest Impression score (ties broken by discussion between involved players then randomly if no agreement could be found) will be offered to remain as guests and students at the monastery for the next few months, time for some intensive bōjutsu training. Should they accept, they gain, for free and ignoring restrictions, the Striking as Fire kata and the [SECRET FOR NOW] kata, the two combined making for one of Sensei Wu's secret techniques.
In case the character already knows Striking as Fire, they gain one free rank of Martial Arts [Melee] instead.
The character who will have gathered the most Information Tidbits during events (ties broken by most total Information points, then by discussion, then randomly) will gain 3XP that can only be spent on a Air Shūji of their choice, and can only count toward the advancement of the Spy Title (see Emerald Empire, page 252).
This shūji can be bought even if the character school does not allow air shūji per raw (example: Shinseist Monk Order). The Spy Title (and its mandatory -5 Status modifier) can be refused without penalty.
Impression is a pretty straightforward score that starts at zero and will increase through the D2 to D4 event.
Information is a bit more complex. It takes the form of Information Tidbits, small piece of data about a specific NPC or the general situation of the monastery. They can be acquired either through specific actions during events, or by tallying enough Information points during events (mostly by spending opportunities). Each event will have its own rules about that, though they will often be similar.
There are 20 distinct Tidbits, and the game is very much not designed for a single character to get them all on their own, even with perfect luck. On the contrary, Information Tidbits are supposed to be shared, both IC and OOC, for players and characters alike to get the full picture of what's happening.
This is a low stake game though, so expect more dirty socks than skeletons in these closets.
At the end of Day 4:
The three characters with the highest Impression score (ties broken by discussion between involved players then randomly if no agreement could be found) will be offered to remain as guests and students at the monastery for the next few months, time for some intensive bōjutsu training. Should they accept, they gain, for free and ignoring restrictions, the Striking as Fire kata and the [SECRET FOR NOW] kata, the two combined making for one of Sensei Wu's secret techniques.
In case the character already knows Striking as Fire, they gain one free rank of Martial Arts [Melee] instead.
The character who will have gathered the most Information Tidbits during events (ties broken by most total Information points, then by discussion, then randomly) will gain 3XP that can only be spent on a Air Shūji of their choice, and can only count toward the advancement of the Spy Title (see Emerald Empire, page 252).
This shūji can be bought even if the character school does not allow air shūji per raw (example: Shinseist Monk Order). The Spy Title (and its mandatory -5 Status modifier) can be refused without penalty.