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[D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 3:39 pm
by The sweeping monk


After breakfast, Sensei Wu has asked for volunteers to investigate strange sightings in the mountains. At dawn, villagers have caught glimpses, through the snow curtain of the dying storm, of the silhouette of a humanoid of great height strolling the woods. Maybe a bear that has awakened early from their hibernation?

A team is quickly put together, and, at the time the others are preparing for the parade to come, its members are trudging through the icy forest. As of now, nothing to see but small animals that are jumping around eagerly while humans (and maybe horses) are ankle-deep in fresh snow.

And then, the ambiance changes. A darker part of the forest. No more animals in sight. Fog and trees blocking sight more than a few steps away.

In front of the explorers is a large clearing, a place of rocks, roots, snow, and open sky. As they enter it, the wind starts blowing, seemingly out of nowhere, carrying the sound of a muffled laugh, becoming louder and louder with each passing instant.

Initiative: 3+1=4
Opportunity symbol: On an Initiative check, assess one foe’s weakness. Learn one of their disadvantages of that foe’s choice. (effect de facto delayed until everyone has joined thread, and mostly fluff here)
Opportunity symbol: Add a kept Ring Dice set to an Opportunity symbol result to your next Martial skill check.
Note: Using ... table.html as reference for how to spend opportunities.
Strife: 0/?
Fatigue: 0/?


This event will be a Intrigue Conflict Event in Structured Time, using Stances. All restrictions on how to spend opportunities or which technique can be activated, are lifted for this event.

This event is limited to three PCs and will start as soon as three players have posted here.

On entering thread, please:
Roll TN 1 Tactics, adding your Focus to the result, to determine your Initiative.
Reminder: The Initiative roll is not affected by stances. However, the ring you choose for it does determine the stance you'll be in until your first turn, at which point you can switch stances.
Post your Vigilance, equipment, and any other information that could be relevant for the fight to come.
If your Initiative is greater than ???, please take your first Action immediately (this can be Wait).

A character may unmask once, at the beginning of their turn, to heal all their strife. This is done at one of the following costs:
Instinctive Retreat: The character suffers the Dazed Condition, and must move at least one Range Band away from the enemy (if possible).
Overwhelming Fury: The character suffers the Enraged Condition, and must take an Attack action this turn (if possible).
Shocked Exposure: The character suffers the Silenced Condition, and the TN of the next enemy check targeting them is reduced by 1.


This event's scoring will be a bit different than usual, as it relies mostly on hidden objectives.

Most objectives are things that are likely to happen naturally through the course of the conflict. Only the later two are a bit out of the box.

Defeat the enemy: +1 Impression points, +1 Information point
???: +2 Information points, +1 Information Tidbit
???: +1 Impression point, +1 Information point
???: +2 Impression point
???: +1 Impression point
???: +1 Information point

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 10:52 am
by Moto Taka
Taka leaps at the chance to show some of the practical applications, bringing along a bo as his primary weapon to try to show off a bit. He brings Koku

He's quick, ready and takes charge.

"I think we have a good angle to defend from here!"


Initiative: 5 (Focus) + 1 (plus two opportunity) = 6 Initiative
Opportunity spent to uncover 2 weaknesses if possible, weakness and pass opportunity to next MA check if not
Vigilance: 3
Strife: 0/8
Fatigue: 0/8
Armor: 2 Reduction (traveling clothes)
Gear: bo staff as primary weapon (Range 1-2, Damage 6, DLS 2), horse, 2 knives
Stance: Water
Action #1: Prepare Item (bo staff)
Action #2: Slippery Maneuvers Kata
D4LM-An Unexpected Opponent-Round 1-Slippery Maneuvers-Command/Water | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 3
Image Image Image
Taka is able to identify and declare an area of terrain he can see. (Potentially a useful weakness from his initiative roll?) All PCs in the scene can move one range band toward it this turn. Attacks targeting PCs in that area this scene are treated as if they are Obscuring terrain (TN+1). Take spends opportunity to make his TN+2

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:17 pm
by Kitsuki Ketsudan
Investigating sightings? In the winter after a snowstorm?

Ketsudan is there!

Armed and armored, with his jacket layered to keep him warm and his headband trailing in the frigid air, he proceeds along, his skills in outdoorsmanship serving him well in picking along a path.

And then the scene shifts, and menace pervades...

Hearing the Moto's comments, Ketsudan rushes towards the indicated area. The snow has hidden a rock from view, and his foot finds it, slowing him somewhat, and it is certain that the staggering as he recovers makes him a tempting target for any coming attack...

Relevant equipment: Ashigaru armor (Wargear), traveling clothes (Durable, Mundane, Subtle), headband (Sacred, Subtle), jacket (warm), daisho (Ceremonial, Razor-edged)
Vigilance 2
Focus 5
Beginning Fatigue 0/10
Beginning Strife 0/8
Beginning VP 1
Initiative Check: Fire / Tactics, TN 1 (applying Quick Reflexes because it is an Initiative Check), fails at 0 sux / 2 opps / 0 strife,; Initiative is 5
If allowed, spend the opps to fail in a flashy way, making myself more appealing a target. If use not allowed, assist next PC initiative check. If still not allowed, oh, well.
Action: Move towards the Obscuring Terrain. Swords remain sheathed at this point.

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 1:47 pm
by The sweeping monk
Moto Taka wrote:
Wed Jul 06, 2022 10:52 am
Initiative: 5 (Focus) + 1 (plus two opportunity) = 6 Initiative
Opportunity spent to uncover 2 weaknesses if possible, weakness and pass opportunity to next MA check if not
Not sure exactly which Initiative Water opportunities you're referencing here? The "pass to next check" one is Air-based.
Moto Taka wrote:
Wed Jul 06, 2022 10:52 am
Stance: Water
Action #1: Prepare Item (bo staff)
Action #2: Slippery Maneuvers Kata
Both Prepare Item and Slippery Maneuvers are Support actions, so you cannot do both during the same round even in Water stance. However, forgot to specify it, but you can start the scene with your choice of readied or unreadied weaponry (that you own), so not really an issue here, just a technicality.

(you could also technically choose another action, but since Slippery Maneuvers is both Support and Movement, there's no really anything left to combine with it)
D4LM-An Unexpected Opponent-Round 1-Slippery Maneuvers-Command/Water | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 3
Image Image Image
Taka is able to identify and declare an area of terrain he can see. (Potentially a useful weakness from his initiative roll?) All PCs in the scene can move one range band toward it this turn. Attacks targeting PCs in that area this scene are treated as if they are Obscuring terrain (TN+1). Take spends opportunity to make his TN+2
Strife: 3/8
Sure. Dense foliage on one side of the clearing, that'll grant you and your allies +2 ATN if you force any enemy to fight you there.

Mechanically, there are at 4 range bands of you position at the moment (the center of the clearing is at 3 range bands). Your technique allows you (and your allies) to immediately move 1 band in that direction, and anyone is allowed to move 1 range band before or after their action in a skirmish. Do you wish to use any of these free movements to get closer?

I also suppose you're mounted? Rules for that are hidden in a box on page 326 of Core.
Kitsuki Ketsudan wrote:
Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:17 pm
If allowed, spend the opps to fail in a flashy way, making myself more appealing a target.
Sure. You'll effectively count at 3 characters when I'll roll a die to determine the next target.
Action: Move towards the Obscuring Terrain. Swords remain sheathed at this point.
As per the Maneuver Action description [Core, page 264], you're allowed to roll, if you wish, a TN 2 Fitness (ring of your stance). If you pass, you get under cover without issue. If not, you stop just short of it (one range band, will be able to get to it as a freebie movement on your next turn).

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 1:57 pm
by Kitsuki Ketsudan
Ketsudan has a bit of challenge regaining his footing on the snow, which shifts beneath him, so he dives forward, rolling to regain control of his momentum, slipping between trees and brush left with few leaves but some snow. It is not a quiet thing, however.

The sweeping monk wrote:
Wed Jul 06, 2022 1:47 pm
Kitsuki Ketsudan wrote:
Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:17 pm
If allowed, spend the opps to fail in a flashy way, making myself more appealing a target.
Sure. You'll effectively count at 3 characters when I'll roll a die to determine the next target.
Action: Move towards the Obscuring Terrain. Swords remain sheathed at this point.
As per the Maneuver Action description [Core, page 264], you're allowed to roll, if you wish, a TN 2 Fitness (ring of your stance). If you pass, you get under cover without issue. If not, you stop just short of it (one range band, will be able to get to it as a freebie movement on your next turn).
Following up, then:
Fire / Fitness, TN 2, passes at 2 sux / 0 opps / 1 strife;

Current Status
Vigilance 2
Focus 5
Current Fatigue 0/10
Current Strife 0/8
Current VP 1

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 2:04 pm
by The sweeping monk
Sure. A quick map to try to make it easier to follow. All distances and positioning are approximations.


Source: +
Note: There are likely better tools for that, I didn't delve deep in the subject of tabletop fight map making.

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 2:18 pm
by Moto Taka
The sweeping monk wrote:
Wed Jul 06, 2022 1:47 pm

Not sure exactly which Initiative Water opportunities you're referencing here? The "pass to next check" one is Air-based.
Ahhh I realized my mistake. I thought the initiative from the surprise opponent was an event specific way to spend Opportunity. I'll scotch it then

Both Prepare Item and Slippery Maneuvers are Support actions, so you cannot do both during the same round even in Water stance. However, forgot to specify it, but you can start the scene with your choice of readied or unreadied weaponry (that you own), so not really an issue here, just a technicality.

(you could also technically choose another action, but since Slippery Maneuvers is both Support and Movement, there's no really anything left to combine with it)
My bad. I won't make things hard to try to retcon. It just is what it is.
Sure. Dense foliage on one side of the clearing, that'll grant you and your allies +2 ATN if you force any enemy to fight you there.

Mechanically, there are at 4 range bands of you position at the moment (the center of the clearing is at 3 range bands). Your technique allows you (and your allies) to immediately move 1 band in that direction, and anyone is allowed to move 1 range band before or after their action in a skirmish. Do you wish to use any of these free movements to get closer?

I also suppose you're mounted? Rules for that are hidden in a box on page 326 of Core.

As per the Maneuver Action description [Core, page 264], you're allowed to roll, if you wish, a TN 2 Fitness (ring of your stance). If you pass, you get under cover without issue. If not, you stop just short of it (one range band, will be able to get to it as a freebie movement on your next turn).
Yes. I will make the movement check, using the mount rules to get there faster.

Roll failed, will not make it this turn. Will spend Water opportunity to reduce strife by 1
D4LM-An Unexpected Opponent-Round 1-Ride to the defensible area-using horse mount: use survival instead of fitness, add bonus sucesses equal to horse water ring (3)-Water/Survival | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 4:15 pm
by The sweeping monk
Moto Taka wrote:
Wed Jul 06, 2022 2:18 pm
Yes. I will make the movement check, using the mount rules to get there faster.

Roll failed, will not make it this turn. Will spend Water opportunity to reduce strife by 1
D4LM-An Unexpected Opponent-Round 1-Ride to the defensible area-using horse mount: use survival instead of fitness, add bonus sucesses equal to horse water ring (3)-Water/Survival | TN: 2 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Your shuji is already a Movement action, so in your case you don't get to do another one. Again not a big deal since you failed anyway.

Irrelevant now, but, for the future, note that, when rolling Water, once per roll, you may use an opportunity to heal 2 strife, including strife taken from a previous roll [Core, page 328]. Yes, it's strong.

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 4:17 pm
by The sweeping monk

Waiting for one more player before starting event.

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 10:02 pm
by The sweeping monk
If event does not have a third participant when I wake up in about 8 hours, it'll be canceled and its current participants allowed to join the Preparing the procession event instead.

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 11:54 pm
by Seppun Akimitsu
He was not much of a wilderness tracker but a defender he was and would be for the group as well. Dressed in the resplendent armor of his ancestors he moved with the group

As things started Akimitsu tried to keep up but his armor and the terrain made it difficult. He didn't make it to cover and instead looked out at the area and readied his katana.

D4 skirmish event initiative tactics/fire quick Reflexes tn 1 | TN: 1 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 2 Image Image Image

Initiative 7 (focus 4, 2 from check, 1 from school ability)

Free move to stay close to the group
Movement action: D4 event fire/Athletics cumbersome armor tn 3 | TN: 3 | Success: 0 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 0 Image Fail 1 range band short
Ready katana

Composure 2/8
Endurance 0/10
Vigilance 2
Wearing lacquered armor (durable, resplendent, Ceremonial, cumbersome, wargear)
Daisho [katana ready]

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:15 am
by Kitsuki Ketsudan
OOC Note:
GM, I have ghosting instructions in my PF, if they're needed: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=127

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 5:34 am
by The sweeping monk
The laughter rises and rises, eventually becoming unbearably loud and headache-inducing. It is a sound specifically engineered somewhere in hell to wear down nerves.

As it reaches its higher note, it changes into an astounding thunderclap, immediately followed by a sudden tremor, leaving everyone at the scene stunned for an instant. When they blink again, the laughter, the wind, all have stopped. But facing them in the clearing, so close they could touch it by extending an arm, is:


A monster, easily twice the height of a standard human, brandishing an over-the-top mace-like object the size of a tree. On its face, the expression of someone about to have the meal of a lifetime.

A merry, and astonishingly loud, and bit theatrical, boast comes out of the its mouth, resounding like the laugh that preceded its appearance:

"SAMURAI-SAMA! Nice to meet you! Try to make this fun by not falling too quickly, would you?!"

The creature then notices from its position, it's only facing Taka, and seems quite disappointed by that state of things. It turns its head to look behind, searching for its other preys.

"Trying to leave us Seppun-kun? Not quick enough. Never quick enough."

Stance: Fire
Vigilance: Treated as 2
Physical and supernatural resistances: Treated as 3
Strife: 3/?
Fatigue: 0/?


D4LM | An unexpected opponent | Round 1
Shocking Appearance
TN3 Perform (Fire) for strong version, weak version if failed | TN: 3 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 3

Image Image Image Image

Success, +3 bonus successes from Fire stance (no effect on that technique)
Opportunity symbol: Inflame another character (Seppun Akimitsu) in the scene with your presence, causing them to receive 2 strife.

Each PC takes 3 strife and the Disoriented Condition. Additionally, they must pass a TN3 Meditation (Air 4, Water 2) or suffer additional strife equal to the shortfall.
Reminder: You don't get to choose the ring for the Meditation check here, it's the one of your stance at the moment you take the psychic hit.

Seppun Akimitsu suffers 2 extra strife as per opportunity spending.

Note: Custom NPC technique, nicknamed Shocking Appearance, inspired from Crackling Laughter [Courts of Stone, page 118], with bits from Vapor of Nightmares [Core, page 195].

Initiative order:

Seppun Akimitsu: 7 => Is up
Moto Taka: 5 (lower honor)
Kitsuki Ketsudan: 5
???: 4

??? appeared more or less on the PC's face, and is just now 1 range band (~ sword reach) from Taka and Akimitsu, and 2 range bands from Ketsudan.

On a map (roughly), assuming the Seppun is yellow here (for lack of a better honor) and the ogre in red:

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 6:20 am
by Seppun Akimitsu
So much happened so fast, no sooner had he readied his blade than this demon appeared.

Akimitsu's eyes briefly widened in shock as the beast called him out before they narrowed he grew deathly silent ferocity in his eyes he moved strategically a cold fire burning in his chest as he struck at the beast bracing himself for retribution as the katana struck true.

D4 fight meditation/fire tn 3 | TN: 3 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image Image

take 2 strife pass

unmask: Shocked Exposure

D4 fight attack the monster martial arts melee/earth tn 2 | TN: 2 | Success: 3 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image
success deals 5 damage (4+1 bonus success)
striking as earth opp spent to raise physical resistance by 1

Vigilance 2
Composure 0/8
Endurance 0/10
Focus 4
Physical resistance 4 (5 until start of my next turn)

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 6:39 am
by The sweeping monk
The blade easily strikes at the gigantic creature. The razor-edged tip however just delicately slides on the thick monster's skin, failing to draw blood.


"Trying to tickle me into submission Seppun-kun?"

Taken 5-3=2 fatigue
Fatigue: 2/?

Seppun Akimitsu: 7
Moto Taka: 5+ => Is up
Kitsuki Ketsudan: 5
???: 4

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 10:32 am
by Moto Taka
Taka digs his heels into Koku's sides. "Seppun-san, there is a defensible position up ahead! I'll make a gap for you!"

Taka swings with his bo, attempting to use the extra momentum to hit the creature and push past to the defensible area, or at least to meet up with the Dragon.

Water Stance
Action 1: Strike - Melee
Unexpected Opponent-Action 1: Strike on??-Water/Melee-TN2 | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 2
Image Image Image
6 Damage from weapon, spending water opportunity to remove 2 strife

Action 2: Maneuver to safer zone
Fitness, using horse movement rules
An unexpected opponent-Maneuver to safe zone-using mount to roll Survival instead of fitness and add water ring in bonus successes | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image +3 bonus successes from mount Water ring to move 3 range bands, spending opportunity to reduce 2 strife
[Strife: 1/8]
[Fatigue: 0/8]
Damage Reduction 2

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 11:11 am
by The sweeping monk
The stick hits the monster right in the chest with a bang in a nice joust maneuver.

This has no visible effect on it at all.


"Should let your horse do the fight for you Moto-boy. I'm sure they pack more of a punch even without fists."

Taken 6-3=3 fatigue
Fatigue: 5/?

Updated position:

Taka is now at 3 range bands of the monster, because range bands are weird and not linear (basically, if he was only at 2, it'll still be in range of a counterattack without the boss even moving an inch).

For reference, yes, they can easily do hit and run from cover while they remain in Water stance since a bō is 1-2 range (normal free movement to get out, strike, extra action from the Water stance to Maneuver without a check and get back to safety).

Moto Taka wrote:
Thu Jul 07, 2022 10:32 am
Action 2: Maneuver to safer zone
Fitness, using horse movement rules
An unexpected opponent-Maneuver to safe zone-using mount to roll Survival instead of fitness and add water ring in bonus successes | TN: 2 | Success: 2 / Opportunity: 1 / Strife: 0
Image Image Image +3 bonus successes from mount Water ring to move 3 range bands, spending opportunity to reduce 2 strife
Water Stance

During your turn, you may perform one additional action that does not require a check. This action cannot share a type with another action you perform this turn.
You don't get to do the last check (and thus do not get the strife heal from the opp). However, the Maneuver action does grant a movement of one range band without a check, which, added with the default free movement, is enough to ride to safety. So all good, just with 2 more strife.

Please however take your 3 strife and roll TN2 Meditation (Water) as per the enemy's technique.

Seppun Akimitsu is not Disoriented anymore.
Moto Taka is still Disoriented (took a Movement Action during their turn).

Both are likely perfectly irrelevant outside of fluff purpose, as I think the only technique that this could have affected was Slippery Maneuvers, which has already been used.

Seppun Akimitsu: 7
Moto Taka: 5+
Kitsuki Ketsudan: 5 => Is up
???: 4

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:25 pm
by Kitsuki Ketsudan
Ketsudan takes advantage of the distraction provided by the Moto's charge to make his own attack, both blades slipping from their sheathes in sibilant susurrations intended for slaughter. But he misjudges the distance, or the foe is not so unawares as might be thought and ducks away from the flashing blades. Still, it cannot but be that the opponent is somewhat rattled, and Ketsudan settles into Niten's First Position.

"I am Kitsuki Ketsudan of the Niten School, and I know I will defeat you!"


Disoriented goes away
+3 Strife from NPC technique
Required Meditation roll, TN 3, fails at 1 sux / 1 opp / 1 strife,; spending opp to negate strife, so +2 strife for shortfall
Iaijutsu Cut attempt fails at 0 sux / 2 opps / 0 strife (I only rolled 2 sux, so I opted not to take the strife), (ADMITTEDLY, I ROLLED WRONG HERE, BUT IMA GO WITH IT.)
If I'm reading the text correctly, the katana gets readied in a one-handed grip independently of the technique landing; if that is the case, then I am spending 1 opp to ready the wakizashi and 1 opp to inflict 2 strife on the opponent
School ability Way of the Dragon should be active now; I'll be using the Ward action, thank you.

Current Status
Condition: None
Initiative 5
Vigilance 2
Focus 5
Current Fatigue 0/10
Current Strife 5/8
Current VP 0

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:35 pm
by The sweeping monk
There was apparently a distance issue indeed, though a strange one, as if a trickery of perspective in real life, with the monster seeming closer than it was.

A slight sliver of doubt passes on the creature's face for an instant, as it realizes it has let itself become surrounded in its pride.

Fatigue: 5/?
Strife: 2/?

Kitsuki Ketsudan wrote:
Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:25 pm
If I'm reading the text correctly, the katana gets readied in a one-handed grip independently of the technique landing; if that is the case, then I am spending 1 opp to ready the wakizashi and 1 opp to inflict 2 strife on the opponent
Indeed, neither readying are dependent on success here, so works as you wrote.

Initiative order

Seppun Akimitsu: 7
Moto Taka: 5 (lower honor)
Kitsuki Ketsudan: 5
???: 4 => Enemy is up

Re: [D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:11 pm
by The sweeping monk

"Come on horse-boy! Come to play with me!"

The beast enters the foliage and swings its mace with impossible strength in direction of the Unicorn, simply ripping off the greenery in its way with a flurry of mighty strikes. The devastating attacks brush against Taka... And don't do worst solely because the creature purposefully switches the course of its weapon at the last second, chuckling loudly as it spares the Moto again and again.

"Wouldn't be fun if it ended too quickly, would it?" roars the monster as it raises its tetsubō once again. More cruel cat and mouse, or an actual attack this time?

D4LM | Second round | An unexpected opponent
Flashing Steel Strike | TN3+2=5 | Martial Arts [Melee] (Fire) | TN: 5 | Success: 5 / Opportunity: 0 / Strife: 5

Image Image Image Image Image Image
Success. +5 bonus success from Fire stance that do nothing for that technique. One extra opportunity from initiative.
Opportunity symbol: Inflame another character in the scene [Moto Taka] with your presence, causing them to receive 2 strife.

Moto Taka takes 2 strife (from Fire opp). Then, he must either (choose one):
Keep dancing to avoid the blows, suffering an additional 3 strife and the Dazed Condition.
Break the rhythm at the expense of taking a hit, rolling against a severity 3 Critical Strike (see Core, page 270).

Fatigue: 5/?
Strife: 7/?

The enemy is at range 2 of everyone, at the limit of the Obscuring terrain.


Seppun Akimitsu: 7 => Is up
Moto Taka: 5 (lower honor)
Kitsuki Ketsudan: 5
???: 4