[D4LM, Forest] An unexpected opponent (Event)
Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 3:39 pm
Art: https://l5r-game.fandom.com/wiki/Max_Degen
After breakfast, Sensei Wu has asked for volunteers to investigate strange sightings in the mountains. At dawn, villagers have caught glimpses, through the snow curtain of the dying storm, of the silhouette of a humanoid of great height strolling the woods. Maybe a bear that has awakened early from their hibernation?
A team is quickly put together, and, at the time the others are preparing for the parade to come, its members are trudging through the icy forest. As of now, nothing to see but small animals that are jumping around eagerly while humans (and maybe horses) are ankle-deep in fresh snow.
And then, the ambiance changes. A darker part of the forest. No more animals in sight. Fog and trees blocking sight more than a few steps away.
In front of the explorers is a large clearing, a place of rocks, roots, snow, and open sky. As they enter it, the wind starts blowing, seemingly out of nowhere, carrying the sound of a muffled laugh, becoming louder and louder with each passing instant.
Initiative: 3+1=4
: On an Initiative check, assess one foe’s weakness. Learn one of their disadvantages of that foe’s choice. (effect de facto delayed until everyone has joined thread, and mostly fluff here)
: Add a kept Ring Dice set to an result to your next Martial skill check.
Note: Using https://craneclan.weebly.com/5th-editio ... table.html as reference for how to spend opportunities.
Strife: 0/?
Fatigue: 0/?
This event will be a Intrigue Conflict Event in Structured Time, using Stances. All restrictions on how to spend opportunities or which technique can be activated, are lifted for this event.
This event is limited to three PCs and will start as soon as three players have posted here.
On entering thread, please:
Roll TN 1 Tactics, adding your Focus to the result, to determine your Initiative.
Reminder: The Initiative roll is not affected by stances. However, the ring you choose for it does determine the stance you'll be in until your first turn, at which point you can switch stances.
Post your Vigilance, equipment, and any other information that could be relevant for the fight to come.
If your Initiative is greater than ???, please take your first Action immediately (this can be Wait).
A character may unmask once, at the beginning of their turn, to heal all their strife. This is done at one of the following costs:
Instinctive Retreat: The character suffers the Dazed Condition, and must move at least one Range Band away from the enemy (if possible).
Overwhelming Fury: The character suffers the Enraged Condition, and must take an Attack action this turn (if possible).
Shocked Exposure: The character suffers the Silenced Condition, and the TN of the next enemy check targeting them is reduced by 1.
This event's scoring will be a bit different than usual, as it relies mostly on hidden objectives.
Most objectives are things that are likely to happen naturally through the course of the conflict. Only the later two are a bit out of the box.
Defeat the enemy: +1 Impression points, +1 Information point
???: +2 Information points, +1 Information Tidbit
???: +1 Impression point, +1 Information point
???: +2 Impression point
???: +1 Impression point
???: +1 Information point